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TikTok For Beginners

As the fastest-growing social media platform and, ranked third behind the Meta beasts, Instagram and Facebook, TikTok is very much here to stay.

The first thing someone will say when you mention TikTok is that “it’s for kids”… I’m here to put a MASSIVE pin in that as it’s simply not true anymore.

TikTok is an incredible place to showcase your brand, have A LOT of fun with your audience and, play to your personality, while, reaching an incredibly huge and highly engaged NEW audience. More and more brands are joining each day – like anything, getting in now is going to increase your business being seen over your competitors who, don’t see the value in it yet.

My concern before I joined TikTok was that I had to start from scratch with building my audience yet, I had 105,000 views on one TikTok when I had just under 200 followers… TikTok WANT YOUR CONTENT TO BE SEEN!

Google itself recently noted that almost 40% of young people now use TikTok and Instagram for search, instead of Google.

And if you’re not convinced enough already, audiences are leaving other social platforms through frustration, boredom and fatigue but also, the younger market is only on the newer/cooler platforms, like TikTok… As your audience ages on the current channels, where will you start to build the younger audience who will be your customers of the future?

Like any new platform (or tech in general), we tend to avoid it when we don’t understand it, what stops us is our lack of knowledge and know-how… That’s why I’ve done all the groundwork and will be running three 90-minute sessions over three weeks where I’ll be sharing all of this and more:

  • How to set up your profile so that it works hard for you!
  • How the feeds work – both of them!
  • How to be seen and grow.
  • How to create TikTok content – using all of the functions available within the platform: Editing video, using templates, stitching, replying with video, transitions, captions, voice-over, and music!
  • How to find the trends and use them creatively.
  • ALL the TikTok inspiration for content creation to get you started!


Join me online on Friday 20th January at 10am for the first of the three, weekly 90-minute sessions.

As always, if you’d like to chat about this course or anything else, please do get in touch!




Three sessions of around 90 minutes a week for three weeks.

For booking for more than one person please get in touch